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Radiotracer Laboratory

Genesis: Radiotracer Laboratory (RTL) was established in 1982. This is the only one such

facility in the state, and one of very few such labs in the country with the approval and registration from Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), Department of Atomic Energy,

Government of India.

Vision/ Objective: To facilitate research in various disciplines utilizing the ionizing radiation and radioisotopes

Mandate: To strengthen teaching, research and extension in the field of agriculture using radioisotopes

Facilities:  Facilities available at Radiotracer Laboratory are

For Radio assay

Gamma irradiation chamber

Triathler three in one counter

 Radiation survey meter

 Radiation contamination monitor

 Isotope applicator

 Facility for autoradiography

For Soil, water, plant and manure analysis

 pH meter

 EC meter

 Flame photometer

 Visible and UV visible Spectrophotometer

 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)

 Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP - OES)

 CHNS analyser

 Microwave digestion system

 Millipore for water purification

Kel plus N digestion and distillation system

Yoder’s apparatus

Robinson pipette for textural analysis of soil

Digestion chamber with fume hood

Moisture balance

Faculty strength: 3





Dr. Beena V.I.

Assistant Professor & Head


Dr. Geetha P.

Assistant Professor


Dr. Prabha Susan Philip

Assistant Professor


Achievements /Major Accomplishments

Development and distribution of soil health cards for all the farmers from 41 panchayats in Palakkad district having more than 25 per cent area under rice (2005)

Nutrient management plans for the above said panchayats (2005)

Soil and tissue test based fertilizer recommendation for horticultural crops (2009)

Soil test based fertilizer recommendations for the entire Kole area (both under Thrissur and Ponnani Kole) (2010)

Assessment of soil fertility, preparation of nutrient management plan at panchayat level, and development of soil health card for farmers, for the entire state of Kerala (2013)

Formulation of crop specific soil test based recommendation for secondary and micronutrients (2013)

Monitoring system for soil health management (2014)

 Soil testing services for the farmers utilizing mobile and stationary soil testing labs and issuing of soil health cards (2010)

Assessment of quality of irrigation water and quality of liming material

Assessment of quality of organic manures (2017)

Acting as state level referral lab for district soil testing labs (DSTL), Department of Agriculture as well as the labs of KAU with respect to analysis of samples of soil, plant, water, manure and liming material

Development of ready to use formulations for secondary and micronutrients (Sampoorna multimix) for rice, banana and vegetables (2015)

The undergraduate students of College of Horticulture were made capable in doing soil testing and in preparation of soil health cards (students collected samples from their own fields, analysed and prepared their own soil health cards) (2015 onwards)

Academics:  PG course on Radiotracer techniques in soil and plant studies

Training, seminars and other services: Offer training sevices as a part of Integrated Nutrient Management for fertilizer dealers

Ongoing Projects: 1. AICRP on MSPE

                              2. Tissue and Soil Analysis

                              3. Station wise funding project – Carbon sequestration and C stock assessment of major rice growing areas of Palakkad


Services: 1. Irradiation of different research samples using Gamma chamber

                2. Soil, plant, water, manure and fertilizer samples of farmers, students and other  research stations.

                3. Providing soil health related services and distribution of soil health cards.