Prof . (Dr). P.Indira Devi

Department of Agricultural Economics
Director ( Agri.Expert) in the Kerala State Farmer`s Welfare Board.
Former Director of Research, KAU
Former Head of the Institution of ,Academy of Climate Change Education and Research, of the University .
Founder ,Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics
TRUSTEE , Federal Aswas Trust ,The Federal bank Ltd
Recipient of the Ford Foundation fellowship for doctoral studies, Women and Development Pilot project Award of Shastry Indo Canadian Institute(2000) at University of British Columbia
Prof. Ramesh Chandra Agrawal Award of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (2017)
Visited several countries and have undergone international trainings in connection with the research and academic activities
International training in the field of Environmental Economics
Complted 20 research projects with funding from reputed national and international agencies.
Published more than 65 research papers, four academic books and several research reports
Governing Council Member in many professional bodies, policy making bodies of the Government and serves in the editorial board and governing bodies as well as reviewer of reputed national and international scientific journals .
An active member of civil society, writing for the local and national print media, commenting on economic and social policy and environmental concerns.