Dr. Rajalekshmi K

Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
Dr. Rajalekshmi K. has completed her post-graduation and Ph. D in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry from Kerala Agricultural University. She started her career in 1997 as Soil Survey Officer in the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation. Later, she joined Kerala Agricultural University in 2011 as Assistant Professor. She has served as PI / Co-PI in various research projects including AICRP on Spices, Network project on micronutrients, plan projects etc. From 2017, she worked as Assist. Prof. in AICRP on STCR upto 17/08/2021 and joined in the Dept. of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Vellanikkara on 18/08/2021. Currently handling 2 funded projects including the network project on climate change and 2018 flood impact on Kerala soils. She has research publications (10 numbers), book (1) book chapters (2), manuals (2) and popular articles (5) and also a reviewer of journal articles. The major areas of research work are soil carbon sequestration and soil health management with biochar.
2023- Special research award in the field of Soil and water conservation in International conference