Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar

Department of Fruit Science
Name of the Scientist |
Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar |
Designation |
Professor and Head |
Discipline |
Horticulture |
Department |
Dept. of Fruit Science College of Agriculture Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara |
Specialization |
Floriculture & Fruit science |
Mobile No. |
9447918330 |
Qualification |
Sl. No. |
Name of examination |
Year of Passing |
Board /University /Institute |
Specialization or subjects taken |
1 |
B.Sc. (Agriculture) |
31/Dec/1987 |
Kerala Agricultural University |
Agriculture |
2 |
M.Sc. (Horticulture) |
28/Feb/1992 |
Kerala Agricultural University |
Horticulture (Fruit Science) |
3 |
Ph.D. (Horticulture) |
22/Dec/1996 |
Kerala Agricultural University |
Horticulture (Floriculture) |
Rank/Fellowships |
Sl. No. |
Name of examination |
Fellowships |
1 |
B.Sc. (Agriculture) |
3.94/4 Second Rank |
KAU Merit Scholarship |
2 |
M.Sc. (Horticulture) |
9.1/ 10 |
3 |
Ph.D. (Horticulture) |
9.4/ 10 |
Work Experience |
Sl. No. |
Institution |
Designation |
From |
To |
1 |
State Seed Farm, Nadavarambu |
Agricultural Officer |
January, 1993 |
September, 1993 |
2 |
KVK, Pattambi |
Assistant Professor (Horticulture) |
March 1996 |
June 1998 |
3 |
Banana Research Station, Kannara |
Assistant Professor (Horticulture) |
June 1998 |
September 2000 |
4 |
AICRP on Floriculture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara |
Assistant Professor (Horticulture) |
October 2000 |
May 2007 |
5. |
Communication Centre Mannuthy |
Associate Professor (Horticulture) |
June 2007 |
August 2014 |
6 |
Department of Pomology and Floriculture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara |
Professor (Horticulture) |
September 2014 |
December 2016 |
7 |
Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara |
Professor (Horticulture) |
December 2016 |
May 2019 |
8. |
Department of Fruit Science, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara |
Professor & Head |
June 2019 |
Till date |
Courses handled |
Details of research guidance as Major Advisor
Completed student projects PhD
Ongoing student projects PhD 1. Production of F1 hybrid in papaya (Carica papaya L) - Anju Jayachandran (2020-22-002) 2. Production technology for augmenting yield and quality of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) - Rajendra B. N( 2021-22-004) 3. Production technology of dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.)- Keerthana Sethunath (2021-22-005) PG 1. In situ characterization of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) genotypes in plains of Kerala - Sneha Saju (2021-12-010) 2. Vegetative propagation in abiu (Pouteria caimito) - Rehna Salim (2022-12-012) |
Details of extension and outreach activities
Exhibition Unit” funded by Planning Board
and agricultural officers in person, through phone and by conducting field visits.
Pavilion of Thrissur Pooram Exibition held at Thekkinkadu Maidan on 10/04/2017 and 11/04/2017
Additional responsibilities
7. Associate Patron of Students Union of College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, for 4 years |
Name of project |
Name of Project Co-ordinator (PC)/PI |
Funding agency |
Budget (Rs. lakhs) |
Financial year |
403-40-2077- Ready to Install Exhibition Unit |
PI - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar |
State plan |
2016-19 |
20165 - Station wise funding on ongoing research projects and minor infrastructure |
PI - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar |
State plan |
2019 - 20
20617- Station wise funding -Strengthening of Department of Fruit Science |
PI - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar |
State plan |
5.00 3.00 |
2020 - 21 2021 – 22 |
20806- Station wise funding -Strengthening of Department of Fruit Science |
PI - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar
State plan |
9.50 |
2021 - 22 |
21414- -Station wise funding- Strengthening of Department of Fruit Science |
PI - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar
State plan |
20345 - Domestication, evaluation and management of exotic/new and novel fruits: rambutan, avocado, strawberry, blackberry etc. (2018-19) |
PI - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar |
State plan |
2019 - 20
20057- Evaluation of native/indigenous mango varieties of Kerala |
PI - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar |
State plan |
21121 - Annual Plan 2022-23 - Network project on collection, evaluation, characterization and conservation of minor/ indigenous/new/ novel fruit crops for Kerala at CoA Vellanikkara |
PC - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar
State plan |
6.00 |
2022-23 |
21443- Annual Plan 2023-24- Network project on collection, evaluation, characterization and conservation of minor/ indigenous/ new/ novel/ fruit crops of Kerala at CoA Vellanikkara |
PC - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar
State plan |
21108 - Annual Plan 2022-23 - Network project on development of database for native/indigenous mango varieties of Kerala for table and processing purpose at Dept. of Fruit Science, CoA Vellanikkara |
PC - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar
State plan |
1.00 |
2022-23 |
21478- Annual Plan 2023-24- Network project on development of database for native/indigenous mango varieties of Kerala for table and processing purpose at Dept. of Fruit Science, CoA Vellanikkara |
PC - Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar
State plan |
Research papers
- Aswini, A. and Bhaskar, J. 2018. Air pollution tolerance index of mango (Mangifera indica) varieties. International J. Tropical Agric.36(2):pp.293-300.
- Dhurve, L., Kumar, A. K., Bhaskar, J., Sobhana, A., Francis, R. M. and Mathew, D. 2021. Wide variability among the Mauritius somaclones demonstrates somaclonal variation as a promising improvement strategy in pineapple (Ananas comosus L.). Plant Cell, Tissue Organ Cult. 145: 701-705.
- Meghwal, M. L., Jyothi, M. L., Pushpalatha, P. B., and Bhaskar, J. 2021. Yield and fruit quality of Banana Musa (AAB) Nendran as influenced by nutrient sources. Int. J. Bioresources Stress Manag. 12(2): 131-136.
- Augustine, A. A., Bhaskar, J., and Suma, A. 2021. Morphological diversity with respect to fruit characters of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) in high ranges of Kerala. J. Trop. Agric. 59(1): 83-85.
- Meghwal, M. L., Jyothi, M. L., Pushpalatha, P. B., Bhaskar, J., Beena, V. I., and Thulasi, V. 2021. Influence of nutrient sources on chlorophyll content and other leaf parameters of banana Musa (AAB) Nendran. Agric. Sci. Digest. D-5342: 1-4.
- Manohar, A., Krishnan, A. G. and Bhaskar, J. 2022. Evaluation of papaya genotypes for latex yield under Kerala conditions. Pharma Innov. J. 11(5): 1323-1326.
- Manohar, A., Krishnan, A. G. and Bhaskar, J. 2023. Field evaluation of papaya genotypes for tolerance to papaya ringspot virus under humid tropics of Kerala. Biol. Forum. 15(4): 320-323.
- Aswini, A and Bhaskar, J. 2023. Morphological and biochemical characterization of mango (Mangifera indica L.) genotypes under high density planting. Pharma Innov. J. 12(2):1385-1395.
- Dhruve L., Kumar, A. K., Bhaskar, J., Sobhana A., Francies, R. M., and Mathew, D. 2023. Breeding and identification of promising Mauritius x Kew pineapple hybrids with high heterosis for fruit and plant traits. J. Trop. Agric. 61 (1): 36-49.
- Sethunath, K. and Bhaskar, J. 2024. Evaluation of diversity in dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.) genotypes grown in Kerala, India. J. Applied Horti, 26(1): 127-131, 202
Review papers
- Rajendra, B.N., Bhaskar, J., Sethunath, K., Naidu, S. A., Manohar, A and Patra, S. 2024. Scientific study of Brassinosteroids on Production of Fruit Crops: A Review. Int. J. Plant & Soil Science, Volume 36,Issue 6,Page 288-303
Short communication
- Lakshmi, K. S., Bhaskar, J., Suma, A., and Pushpalatha, P. B. 2019. Induction of multiple shoots through in vitro male bud culture in banana Musa (AA) cv.’kadali’. J. Trop. Agric. 57(1): 66-70.
- Joseph, A.V., Sobhana, A., Joseph, J., Bhaskar, J., Vikram, H. C., and Sankar, S. J. 2021. Performance evaluation of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.) genotypes. J. Trop. Agric. 59(2): 292-301.
- Sethunath, K., Bhaskar, J., and Vikram, H. C. 2023. Phenology of dragon fruit crop grown in Kerala. J. Trop. Agric. 61 (1): 153-156.
- Manohar, A., Bhaskar, J., and Suma, A. 2023. Shoot tip pruning and paclobutrazol soil drench on the yield of mango hybrid Ratna under HDP system. J. Trop. Agric. 61 (1): 140-142.
Proceedings/ abstracts
- Lakshmi, K. S., Bhaskar, J., Suma, A., and Pushpalatha, P. B. 2019. In vitro rooting of banana Musa (AA) “Kadali” raised through in vitro male bud culture [abstract]. In: Abstracts, 8th Indian Horticulture Congress; 17-21, January, 2019, Raipur. Horticulture Society of India, New Delhi, p. 41. Abstract No. 727.
- Manohar, A., Bhaskar, J., and Suma, A. 2019. Comparative evaluation of mango hybrids development in Kerala [abstract]. In: Abstracts, 8th Indian Horticulture Congress; 17-21, January, 2019, Raipur. Horticulture Society of India, New Delhi, p. 276. Abstract No. 728.
- Augustine, A. A., Bhaskar, J., and Suma, A. 2019. Identification of phenological growth stages of avocado in high ranges of Kerala [abstract]. In: Abstracts, 8th Indian Horticulture Congress; 17-21, January, 2019, Raipur. Horticulture Society of India, New Delhi, p. 277. Abstract No. 729.
- Saju, S. and Bhaskar, J. 2022. Potentiality and advances in protected cultivation of tropical and subtropical fruits [abstract] In: Abstracts, National Symposium on Horticultural crops of Humid Tropics for Nutritional and livelihood Security (NSHCHT) 2022: 2-3 Dec 2022, Madikkeri, Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Chettalli, p194. Abstract No:109.
- Aswini, A. and Bhaskar J. 2022. Evaluation of mango (Mangifera indica L.) genotypes under high density planting systems. [abstract] In: Abstracts, National Symposium on Horticultural crops of Humid Tropics for Nutritional and livelihood Security (NSHCHT) 2022: 2-3 Dec 2022, Madikkeri, Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Chettalli, p118. Abstract No:34.
- Kartha, B. D., Aswini, A., Krishnan, A. G., Sreekumar, P. M., and Bhaskar, J. 2022. Effect of paclobutrazol in flowering of mangosteen. In: Abstracts, National Symposium on Horticultural crops of Humid Tropics for Nutritional and livelihood Security (NSHCHT) 2022: 2-3 Dec 2022, Madikkeri, Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Chettalli, p 176. Abstract No:33.
- Naidu, S. A., Bhaskar, J., and Kamalapriya, M. 2022. Climate change and its probable effect on grapes cultivation [abstract]. In: Abstracts, National Symposium on Horticultural Crops of Humid Tropic for Nutritional and Livelihood Security, 2-3, December, 2022, Madikkeri. Central Horticultural Experiment station, Chettalli, p.180. Abstract No. 97.
- Sethunath, K., Bhaskar, J., and Kuruvila, A. 2022. Economics of Dragon Fruit cultivation in Kerala [abstract]. In: Abstracts, National Symposium on Horticultural Crops of Humid Tropic for Nutritional and Livelihood Security, 2-3, December, 2022, Madikkeri. Central Horticultural Experiment station, Chettalli, p.241. Abstract No. 155.
- Jayachandran, A., Kumar, A., and Bhaskar, J. 2022. Effect of plant growth regulators on yield and quality of mango [abstract]. In: Abstracts, National Symposium on Horticultural Crops of Humid Tropic for Nutritional and Livelihood Security, 2-3, December, 2022, Madikkeri. Central Horticultural Experiment station, Chettalli, p.142.
- Sethunath, K. and Bhaskar, J. 2023. Dragon fruit in Kerala- past and present [abstract]. In: Book of Abstracts, National Workshop on Science History of India, 28, February, 2023, Kayamkulam. ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam, p. 63.
- Salim, R and Bhaskar, J. 2023. Beyond the ordinary: Abiu’s exotic flavor and nutritional wonders [abstract]. In: Abstracts, International Seminar on Exotic and Underutilized Horticultural Crops: Priorities & emerging trends, 17-19, October, 2023, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, p. 11.
- Sethunath, K. and Bhaskar, J. 2023. An insight to dragon fruit cultivation in Kerala [abstract]. In: Abstracts, International Seminar on Exotic and Underutilized Horticultural Crops: Priorities & emerging trends, 17-19, October, 2023, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, p. 153.
- Kartha, B. D., Aswini, A., Krishnan, A. G., Sreekumar, P. M., and Bhaskar, J. 2023. Effect of paclobutrazol on fruiting and quality parameters in mangosteen (Garciania mangostana L.) [abstract]. In: Abstracts, International Seminar on Exotic and Underutilized Horticultural Crops: Priorities & emerging trends, 17-19, October, 2023, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, p. 156.
- Bhaskar, J., Jacob, S., Manohar, A., and Aswini, A. 2022. An introduction to novel fruits for Kerala. DoE, KAU Mannuthy, Thrissur.
Book chapter
- Anju Jayachandran and Dr. Jyothi Bhaskar. 2022. Role of melatonin in Horticultural Crops. In: Dr. Sarvesh Kumar Lodhi and Dr. Vijay Kumar. Advances in Horticulture (vol 26), AkiNik publications, New Delhi 124 p.
- Manohar, A., Krishnan, A. G., and Bhaskar, J. 2022. Dried fruits as salutiferous fruits. In: P. Anitha., Anu G. Krishnan and K. V. Peter. Horticulture science for Doubling Farmer’s Income. Brillion publishing, New Delhi, 356p.
No. of leaflets published: 18
No. of booklets published: 8
A webinar was organized in the department in 12 topics covering major and novel fruit plants for creating awareness among the public and farmers during the Covid pandemic period.