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Pesticide Residue Analysis Laboratory

Pesticide Residue Analysis Laboratory

  • Established in 2017 with an outlay of 293 lakhs
  • Funding by RKVY
  • Equipped with  state of the art analytical equipments like
  1. Gas chromatograph with triple quadrapoule detector (GC-MS/MS)
  2. High performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) coupled to photo diode array and fluorescence detectors
  3. Gas chromatograph (GC) with electron capture detector coupled to electron capture detector and flame photometric detector
  • Developed and validated method for analysis of organochlorine, organophosphate, carbamate and synthetic pyrethroid group of pesticides in fruits and vegetables
  • Multiresidue analytical method for analysis of 13 pesticides in fruits and vegetables
  • Farm gate samples, market samples, samples from organic shops from Ernakulam, Thrissur, Malappuram and Palakkad are drawn and analysed routinely
  • The reports are provided to Government of Kerala
  • On an average 150 samples are analysed per month and till date 1764 samples were analysed from January, 2018 onwards
  • Facility is utilised by farmers and officials of Department of Agriculture for testing their produce
  • Post graduate students of College of Horticulture utilises this facility for their research programmes and also for practical sessions
  • Laboratory is also equipped with instruments such as spectrophotometer, homogenizer, nitrogen evaporator, refrigerated centrifuge, rotary vacuum evaporator, deep freezers, hot air oven, muffle furnace, etc.