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Students’ Union

Students’ union is the co-coordinating hub of all the co-curricular activities of the students of the College of Horticulture. Office bearers to various positions of the union are elected every year from among the students. The Associate Dean as the patron, an Associate Patron nominated from amongst senior faculty and Staff Advisors provide leadership and guidance to the students union. The activities of the union are mainly spread over the arts club, magazine committee, social service league, planning forum, sports club, environment club and quiz club. An interclass arts festival, college magazine, quizzes programmes, lecturers, debates and social service and community contact programmes are the major activities annually taken up by the Students’ Union. The arts club organizes film shows that attract students from across the campuses. Our students participated in Campus Hungama by Jeevan TV and brought laurels to the college by being runners up. A literary wall magazine is another remarkable activity undertaken by the students union. The students’ union is playing a yeoman service in improving the campus life.