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Instructional Farm

The Instructional Farm, College of Horticuture, Vellanikkara was established during 1988. It consists of 60 ha of land of which , the major part consists of coconuts for which the farm is famous for. The other important crops are fruit trees    ( Mango, Jack, Sapota and Guava), spices  (Nutmeg,Clove,Cinnamon),vegetables (Banana, Bitter gourd, Ash gourd, Pumpkin, Amaranthus), and tuber crops(Tapioca).Nursery and vegetable seeds production units are also important components of the farm.

A number of experiments on Agroforestry , Medicinal plants and Cocoa are also conducted by various departments of the university. Demonstration  plots  of Jetropha, Areca nut , Teak and Mahagony are also unique features of this farm. The average annual expenditure comes around Rs.40 lakhs and revenue 20 lakhs. The  main source of income is coconuts both ripe and tender, followed by nursery plants and vegetable seeds.

The main activities of the farm are :-

  • Imparting training to UG/PG students on Agro- Techniques of crops

  • Conducting  Research on Coconut , Mango, Cocoa, Vegetables, Medicinal plants and Agro forestry

  • Maintaining varietal collections of fruits and plantation crops especially Coconut and Mango

  • Production of Foundation / Certified Seeds of vegetables

  • Production of planting materials of Coconut, Areca nut, Mango, Jack, Sapota, Nutmeg, Pepper, Acid lime, Ornamental plants etc.

  • Providing facilities for work experience courses of students.

  • Providing facilities for PG/ Departmental research programmes.


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300