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Network computer Centre

The Computer and Intercom Networks of the College are maintained and monitored by the Network Computer Centre. A full-fledged College Intranet is being developed to provide office automation, digital library and e-learning facilities to the users, especially to the student community. An ARIS Computer Facility has been established in the College under the NATP – ISD Programme of ICAR, with a full-fledged building LAN on UTP cabling. This LAN is connected to the main campus LAN tfibre optic backbone. The College LAN runs on Windows 2003 Server Software with a capacity to serve about 250 nodes. UPS power back up and high-speed broadband Internet facility is available all over the Network. The Computer and Internet facility is available in all the teaching departments, administrative office as well as the College library.

ARIS Computer facility was shifted to a new fully furnished air-conditioned room with 35 computers networked through Wireless Network (Wi-Fi). This is the first Wire-Free Networking facility in the University. Wi-Fi enabled LapTops and other PC's can automatically access the Net Work. The room is also equipped with LCD projector and video-conferencing facility. The SCC immensely helps the students to higher agricultural education and research. This has enabled the students to get access to the latest developments and opportunities in the field of Agriculture. A large number of students secured fellowships and placements abroad, utilizing this facility.


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300