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Career Guidance & Students Placement Cell


The placement cell of College of Horticulture plays a crucial role in locating job opportunities for Under Graduates and Post Graduates passing out from the college by keeping in touch with reputed firms and industrial establishments. The Placement Cell operates round the year to facilitate contacts between companies and graduates. On invitation, many reputed industries visit the institute to conduct interviews.

The Placement Cell organizes career guidance programmes for all the students starting from first year. The cell arranges training programmes like Mock Interviews, Group Discussions, Communication Skills Workshop etc and it also organizes Public Sector Exam Training for students who are interested to join Government Sectors. The cell facilitates coaching for final year students for ICAR fellowships.

Every year the newly introduced students are given an orientation programme for a week regarding opportunities in agriculture sector. During this orientation session alumni from various sectors address the students to appraise them about various opportunities in agriculture sector

In order to improve skill and employability of students placement cell organises programmes with qualified professional trainers on the following topics

1. Essential English

2. Personality reconstruction

3. Personal brilliance

4. Accelerated learning

5. Effective communication

6. Cracking the interview/Preparation of resume

7. Positive attitude

8. Service excellence

The placement cell maintains a WhatsApp group with representatives from various batches of the college to update them about the job opportunities. The various companies approached for placement in different years are as follows

Sl. No.


Number of companies/firms/ institutions approached for placement



1 (ITC ltd)



2  (HDFC, Olam Agro India Pvt. Ltd.)






4 (Rallis India, Catholic Syrian Bank, Godrej Agrovet, Pvt. Estate)



11 (Office Unique, EASA College of Engineering and Technology, Axis Bank, Poonolil Gardens, Auraphyll Innoventures, Mondelez India, Tara Blooms, The Bethlehem International, IFFCO, Federal Bank, Vaniyampara Estate)

            Placement cell works with industry bodies such as Fertilizer Association of India to orient the students about job opportunities in that sector. Placement cell also provides a platform for students to interact with officials of various universities such as Cornell University, Western Sydney University, etc. These interactions enable students to understand about the higher education opportunities in different foreign universities.

            The students of the college participate Professional Students Summit, an initiative of the Government of Kerala. The summit motivates the students to study in their chosen fields with renewed passion by exposing them to the possibilities for contributing to the society around them in general and the State in particular

If we look into the job profile of students (2010 admission UG), we can see that more than 80% of the students are employed in various sectors. About 60% students undergo post-graduation, which is evident from the profile of 2014 and 2015 admission B.Sc. (Ag) students.

Contact (Email id) berin.pathrose@kau.in 


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300