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Dr. Jiji Joseph

Professor & Head
Attached Department: 

Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics

College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
Mobile Phone No: 
Address (Residence): 
Land Phone No (Residence): 


Research articles                                  :  50

Seminars/ symposium abstracts           : 15

Books authored                                    :  3

Book chapters                                      :  13

Reviewer                                              : Tropical Ecology ,

Journal of Tropical Agriculture,Electronic Journal plant breeding,ARCC Journals Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Rubber research

Varieties developed                              :  Anaswara , Samyuktha, Vaisakh, Akshaya, Supriya  in Rice

Articles during the last 5 years (2019-2024):

  1.  Sivasankarreddy K, Joseph, J., Antony P.D.2024.Mechanism and molecular basis of apomixis in angiosperms Vegetos https://doi.org/10.1007/s42535-024-00888-2
  2. Prakash K.M., Joseph .J and Santhoshkumar A.V.  2023  Biochemical responses of black pepper accessions to drought stress . Medicinal plants 16(1) 92-98
  3. Shanker C, Abida P.S. Joseph,J., Francies, R.,M., Mathew D., and Beena R.2023.Evaluation of parental polymorphism and identification of microsatellites linked to drought tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L). International j of plant and Soil science 35(22)
  4. Anjitha A.R.,  Deepthy Antony P, Jiji Joseph, , Vimi Louis and Sangeeta Kutty M.  2023 .  Evaluation of tomato genotypes for tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) resistance
  5.  Journal of Tropical Agriculture 61(1): 68-77
  6. Sunil R., Jiji Joseph, Santhosh Kumar A.V. and Biju S. 2023   . Genetic variability Studies in F2 and F3 Segregating Generations for Biometrical  Traits in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) Biological Forum -An International Journal 15(10): 234-238
  7. Lavale S.A , Mathew ,D. , T. Pradeepkumar  , K. Joseph John K.J. and Jiji   Joseph   2022. Mapping the QTL and tagging yield traits in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) using microsatellite markers   Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcab.2022.102553
  8. Shilpa K. S. Minimol J. S.,  Rakesh,G., Suma B., Joseph,J., Maheswarappa H. P, Panchami P. S.2022  Deciphering the role of polyphenol in defence mechanism against tea mosquito bug (Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse.) in cocoa (Theobroma cocoa L.) PLoS ONE 17(10): e0271432  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0271432
  9. Ajinkya  AR. Joseph.,J 2022. Screening of cowpea genotypes for field resistance to spotted pod borer (Maruca vitrata ) Agriculture Science Digest
  10.  Sunil, R., Joseph,J., S. Biju, Mathew,D. Beena C 2022.Trait Association Studies in Early Segregating Generations of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]Agriculture Science Digest
  11. Prakash K. M. and Joseph.,J 2022 Genetic variation in black pepper (Piper nigrum L) accessions for piperine, essential oil and oleoresin, the biochemical principles of quality  Electronic Journal of Plant breeding Vol 13(1):267-272 https://doi.org/10.37992/2022.1301.038
  12. PuthiamadomN., and  Joseph,J. 2022.Variability in Solanum species: Morphological characterization Electronic J of Plant breeding Vol 13(1):137-145 https://doi.org/10.37992/2022.1301.021
  13.  Joseph, A.V,  . Sobhana A,  Joseph, J., Bhaskar J,. Vikram H.C and  Jayasree S.S. 2022 
  14. Performance evaluation of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.) Genotypes Journal of Tropical Agriculture 59 (2): 292-301, 2021
  15. Veerabhadraswamy, M. ·. Sindhumole  P · Mathew, D, Shylaja  M. R., Joseph, J., Augustine, R and James, D. 2022 Molecular analysis of aroma gene (BADH2) in Biriyanicheera: a tropical aromatic rice genotype from Kerala, India Molecular Biology Reports https://doi.org/10.1007/s11033-022-07146-1
  16.  Keerthiraj B,  Biju,S.,  Joseph , J. and Job A.M. 2021 Combining ability studies for lodging resistance and yield traits in rice.  Electronic J. of Plant Breeding .  12(4):1380 – 1386 https://doi.org/10.37992/2021.1204.189
  17. Maqsoodullah, Joseph, J. Latha, M ., Francies R,M  and Sindhumole P. 2021.  Characterisation of exotic rice germplasm for qualitative traits . Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 34(2): 251–257   DOI 10.5958/0976-1926.2021.00024.3
  18. Baby, J., Minimol J.S.,  Suma B., Santhoshkumar A.V., Joseph, J. and Panchami P.S. 2021  Mitigation in Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Through Developing Tolerant Hybrids BMC Plant Biology (2021) 21:594  https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-021-03352-4
  19. Pooja, A.P. Ameena, M.  Joseph, J. 2021. Screening  Blackgram ( Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) Varieties for Shade Tolerance in Coconut Gardens of Southern Laterites of Kerala. Indian Journal of Ecology 48(4)
  20. Pooja, A.P. Ameena, M.  Joseph, J , . Arunjith, P. 2021 Identification of low light tolerant Blackgram varieties with respect to morpho-physiology and yield .Legume research -DOI: 10.18805/LR-4683  
  21. Puthiamadom ,N. Joseph. J , Subramanian ,M  Pradeepkumar, T. Beena C.and Latha M.  2021 . Defense mechanisms in Solanum virginianum against brinjal shoot and fruit borer -a comparative study Journal of Tropical Agriculture 59 (1): 62-70, 2021
  22. Varghese, A.,  Joseph ,J.,  Sarath, P.S.. Sunil,R., Mathew, D ., Biju ,S and  Sindhumole,P. 2021 . Development of dual purpose cowpea culture (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) with high grain yield Journal of Tropical Agriculture 59 (1): 45-54, 2021
  23. Ajinath,L.S., Ganesh,K.V., Jacob T.F., Pradeepkumar, T., Joseph, J., and Mathew, D. 2021.Cross-genera transferability of microsatellite markers from  Brassicaceae, Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae to Momordica genus  21. J of Tropical Agri. 59 (1): 113-117.
  24. Hassan,M.A.E., Santhoshkumar, A.V.,  Hrideek, T.K.,  Jijeesh ,C.M., Joseph , J.  2021 Variability in drought response among the plus tree accessions of Tectona grandis (Linn f.) from the provenances of Kerala, South India. Acta  Physiologiae  Plantarum ) 43:47  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11738-021-03215-3
  25. B. Keerthiraj*, S. Biju, Jiji Joseph and Job,A.M. 2021 Combining ability studies for lodging resistance and yield traits in rice Electronic J of Plant breeding https://doi.org/10.37992/2021.1204.189 Vol 12
  26. Suma A, Elsy, CR John,J.K. Pradeepkumar, T ,Francies,R.M.,  Joseph, J, Santhoshkumar, AV  Krishnan,S., Yadav SK 2021.Genetic Diversity in Indian Landraces of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Based on Morpho-Horticultural Traits Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 34(3): 411–423 (2021) 411 DOI 10.5958/0976-1926.2021.00034.6
  27. Prakash, K.M., Joseph, J  Santhoshkumar A. V  and  Puthiamadom N.  2020 Morphological Characterization of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L) Accessions from Kerala Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 33(3): 352–359 . DOI 10.5958/0976-1926.2020.00049.2
  28. Asna, A. C ., Joseph ,J.,and John,K J  2020. Botanical Description of Bitter Gourd In:  The bitter gourd genome eds.  Chittaranjan Kole ,Hideo Matsumura, Tusar Kanti Behera  Springer  p 2- 7
  29. Asna A.C., Joseph J , Kurian P.S and  John K.J 2020  Distribution of sex phenological characters among bitter gourd (Momordica charantia l.) Genotypes and its correlation with yield potential Journal of Plant Development Sciences Vol. 12(3) : 135-142. 
  30.  Prakash, K.M. Bhai, R.S, Jiji Joseph , . Saji, K.V. Sujatha V.S and  SanthoshkumarA.V. 2019. Int.J.Curr. Microbiol. App.Sci  8(5): 1487-1496  Exploitation of Resistant Sources to Phytophthora capsici Leon. from Genetic Stocks of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.)
  31. Narayanan, N.,. Biju, S., Joseph, J  2019. Evaluation of rice hybrids in saline soils of Pokkali  J tropical agri.Vol 57, No 2
  32. Shiran, K Santhoshkumar, A. V. Minimol J.S and  Joseph ,J. 2019. Growth inhibition as a viable technique to enhance the storage of synthetic seeds of cocoa (Theobroma cocoa L.) Electeonic  J Plant Breeding  (9) 10(1):238-247



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Kerala Agricultural University
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