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Gibence H. Rose Winnie

Assistant Professor
Attached Department: 

Centre for Plant Biotechnology & Molecular Biology (CPBMB)

College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
Mobile Phone No: 
Address (Residence): 

Scopus Author ID: 56189795600

ORCiD: 0000-0001-9830-9556

Web of Science Researcher ID: AAE-1185-2022

Vidwan ID: 216489

Academic Qualifications

SL. No





B. Sc. Agriculture


Kerala Agricultural University


M. Sc. Biotechnology


Tamil Nadu Agricultural University


Ph. D. Life Sciences


CSIR- Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology

Research Experience

Sl. No






Assistant Professor

Kerala Agricultural University

Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (from Feb. 2021)


Research and Development Projects in Hand

Sl. No.

Title of the project


Funded by

Duration, Outlay (Lakh)


‘Demonstration of disease-free ginger seed production using microrhizomes and IDM at multiple locations’

Principal Investigator





UGC-CSIR – JRF/SRF for doctoral research at CSIR-CCMB

Courses taught

B. Sc. (Agriculture)

Biot 2201 Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology (2+1)

Elbt 4201 Tissue Culture Technologies (1+3)

M. Sc. (Agri.) Plant Biotechnology

MBB 502 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology (3+0)

MBB 503 Molecular Cell Biology (2+0)

MBB 505 Techniques in Molecular Biology I (0+3)

MBB 512 Immunology and Molecular Diagnostics (2+1)

Ph. D. (Agri.) Plant Biotechnology

MBB 605 Advances in functional genomics and proteomics (2+0)

MBB 602 Advances in genetic engineering (3+0)

MBB 610 Application of Biotechnology in Foods and Nutrition (1+1)

Selected publications

Candidate gene expression patterns in rabbit preimplantation embryos developed in vivo and in vitro,” Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2014 July; 31: 899 - 911; doi:10.1007/s10815-014-0233-0

Effect of different cryo-devices on in vitro maturation and development of vitrified- warmed immature buffalo oocytes,” Cryobiology 2017 Apr; 75:106-16; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cryobiol.2017.01.004

Meiotic maturation of vitrified immature Chousingha (Tetracerus quadricornis) oocytes recovered post-mortem,” Cryobiology 2011 Feb; 62(1): 47-52; doi: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2010.12.002

In vitro maturation and fertilization in the Nilgai (Bosephalus tragocamelus) using oocytes and spermatozoa recovered post-mortem from animals that had died because of foot and mouth disease outbreak,” Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2011 Oct; 46(5):832-9; doi:10.1111/j.1439-0531.2011.01751.x.

Henderson, G. R., Brahmasani, S. R., Yelisetti, U. M., Konijeti, S., Katari, V. C. and Sisinthy, S. 2014. Candidate gene expression patterns in rabbit preimplantation embryos developed in vivo and in vitro. J. Assist. Reprod. Genet., 31: 899-911

Mahesh, Y., Rao, B. S., Suman, K., Lakshmikantan, U., Charan, K. V., Gibence, H. R. and Shivaji, S. 2011. In vitro maturation and fertilization in the Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) using oocytes and spermatozoa recovered post-mortem from animals that had died because of foot and mouth disease outbreak. Reprod Domest Anim, 46: 832-839

Mahesh, Y. U., Gibence, H. R. W., Shivaji, S. and Rao, B. S. 2017. Effect of different cryo-devices on in vitro maturation and development of vitrified-warmed immature buffalo oocytes. Cryobiology, 75: 106-116

Rao, B. S., Mahesh, Y. U., Suman, K., Charan, K. V., Lakshmikantan, U., Gibence, H. R. and Shivaji, S. 2011. Meiotic maturation of vitrified immature chousingha (Tetracerus quadricornis) oocytes recovered postmortem. Cryobiology, 62: 47-52

Invited Keynote Lectures – National Seminars

1. “Recombinant Proteins in Plants” at the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Applied Botany conducted by the Department of Botany at the NSS Hindu College (Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University), Changanacherry, Kerala.


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300