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Dr. Savitha Antony

Assistant Professor
Attached Department: 

Department of Agronomy

College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
Mobile Phone No: 
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Savitha Antony is an Assistant Professor of Agronomy specializing in weed management, with a focus on aquatic weeds. She has expertise in fodder production and crop production technology of field crops. She has authored numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, addressing key issues related to fodder production and weed management in rice, plantation crops and aquatic weeds. Her research is recognized for its practical relevance, offering valuable insights and solutions to stakeholders in agriculture. As an Assistant Professor, she is educating and mentoring the next generation of professionals in Agronomy. She delivers courses on fodder production, weed science apart from engaging students in hands-on learning experiences and research projects. She also serves as the councilor of Kerala chapter of Indian Society of Weed Science.

Research papers in peer reviewed journals: 4, popular articles: 2

Research papers

Antony, S. and Thomas, C. G. 2014. Performance of hybrid Napier cultivars under rainfed ecosystems in humid tropics. Range Management Agroforestry 35(1):169-172.

Antony, S. and Thomas, C. G. 2015. Shade tolerance of selected Hybrid Napier cultivars under rain fed conditions. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 53(1):35-41

Antony, S. and Thomas, C. G. 2015. Light interception and physiological responses of Hybrid Napier under varying shade levels in humid tropics. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture 33(2), 1861-1863


Thomas, C.G. and Antony, S. 2014. Better land husbandry for climate smart agriculture. In: Proceedings of National Conference on Changing Climatic Scenario and sustainable Resource Management, 17-19 Jan. 2014. NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad, 35-48.

Antony, S. and Thomas, C. G. 2016. Light dependent morpho-physiological changes and yield response of hybrid Napier cultivars under rainfed system. In: Proceedings 23rd International Grassland Congress, New Delhi, 20-24 Nov 2015. Available: http://www(link is external). international grasslands.org/ files/igc/publications/2015/968.pdf

Antony, S. and Thomas, C. G., and Beena, S. 2016. Occurrence of blast disease in hybrid napier. In: Proceedings 23rd International Grassland Congress, New Delhi, 20-24 Nov, 2015. Available: http://www(link is external) .international grasslands.org/ files/igc/ publications/2015/968.pdf.


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300