Dr. Dijee Bastian

Department of Seed Science and Technology
Research experience:
A. Major advisor of Ph.D student
a. Thesis project of Gayathri G., Ph.D Student (Plant Breeding and Genetics) on ‘Heterosis breeding in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)’
B. Major advisor of PG students
a. Thesis project of V.T. Chandrahasan, M.Sc Student (Plant Breeding and Genetics) on ‘Androgenesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) breeding’
b. Thesis project of Chakravarthi Marri, M.Sc Student (Plant Breeding and Genetics) on ‘Development of doubled haploids for iron toxicity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)’
c. Thesis project of Jyothilekshmi S., M.Sc Student (Plant Breeding and Genetics) on ‘Induction of lodging resistance in upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) through mutagenesis’
d. Thesis project of Ambika Rajendran, M.Sc Student (Plant Breeding and Genetics) on ‘In vitro mutagenesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.)’
e. Thesis project of Sani George, M.Sc Student (Plant Breeding and Genetics) on ‘Study of reproductive biology and in vitro propagation techniques in kumizhu (Gmelina arborea roxb.)’
f. Thesis project of Sandhya R., M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Seed treatment with botanicals to enhance seedling vigour in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)’
g. Thesis project of Navya P., M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Halogenation for improvement of storage life of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) seeds’
h. Thesis project of Nagendra M.S., M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Optimizing planting time, seed extraction and seed storage in oriental pickling melon (Cucumis melo var. Conomon Mak.)’
i.Thesis project of Reshma P. K., M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Seed quality enhancement in okra and oriental pickling melon with film coat’
j. Thesis project of Adersh S., M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Effect of seed treatment on growth, seed yield and quality in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)’
k. Thesis project of Athulya S. Kumar, M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Potassium nutrition on vivipary and seed quality in oriental pickling melon (Cucumis melo var. Conomon Mak.)’
l. Thesis project of Gayathri sathees, M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Seed invigoration with inorganic nanoparticles in chillies (Capsicum annuum L.)’
m. Thesis project of Riya Mary Mathew, M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Seed invigoration with nanoparticles for seed yield and quality in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)’
n. Thesis project of Ruth Olivya Sarella, M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Impact of biopriming on seed quality and longevity in in rice (Oryza sativa L.)’
o. Thesis project of Milu Herbet, M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Halogenation for improvement of seed yield and quality in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)’
p. Thesis project of Vaisakh K., M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Impact of potassium and ABA application on vivipary and seed quality in oriental pickling melon (Cucumis melo var. Conomon Mak.)’
q. Thesis project of Adarsh P. V., M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Seed invigoration with nanoscale particles in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)’
r. Thesis project of Gagana G., M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Mid storage seed invigoration with nanoparticles in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)’
C. Research projects
a. Co-PI- 100 crore Development Grant Project: ‘Strengthening Research on Seed Science & Technology at College of Horticulture’, Vellanikkara
Academic experience:
- Academic Officer (PG) (2011-2013)
- Academic Officer (UG) (2014-2018)
- Professor (Academic), KAU (2018-2020)
- Controller of Examinations, KAU (August 2020 onwards)
Teaching experience :
- As student advisor
- Courses handled:
- M.Sc (Plant Breeding and Genetics) courses
- M.Sc (Seed Science and Technology) courses
- Ph.D(Plant Breeding and Genetics) courses
Sl. No. |
Title of the paper/publication |
Type (Research Paper /Book/Manual/Book Chapter / Conference Proceedings)
1. |
B Dijee, P Rangasamy, M Sakila, S Backiyarani. 2000. Correlation studies in rice. Research on Crops 1 (2), 261-262 |
Research Paper |
2. |
B Dijee, G Kandasamy, M Sakila, N Shunmugavalli. 2000. Combining ability for yield and components in cowpea. Research on Crops 1 (2), 239-244 |
Research Paper |
3. |
D Bastian, LDV Das, G Kandasamy, M Sakila. 2001. Path analysis in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp). MADRAS AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL 88 (7/9), 526-527 |
Research Paper |
4. |
T Pradeepkumar, B Dijee, M Joy, NV Radhakrishnan, KC Aipe. 2001. Genetic variation in tomato for yield and resistance to bacterial wilt Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikara |
Research Paper |
5. |
SP George, D Bastian, NV Radhakrishan, KC Aipe. 2005. Evaluation of aromatic rice varieties in Wayanad, Kerala Journal of Tropical Agriculture 43, 67-69 |
Research Paper |
6. |
RA Rajendran, B Dijee. 2009. In vitro plant regeneration from seed callus cultures of rice cultivar of Ptb26. Research on Crops 10 (2), 426-429 |
Research Paper |
7. |
RA Rajendran, B Dijee, O Achamma, VV Radhakrishnan, P Sridevi. 2009. The role of growth hormones in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in vitro cultures. International Journal of Plant Sciences (Muzaffarnagar) 4 (2), 422-425 |
Research Paper |
8. |
G Gayathri, K Arya, D Bastian. 2009. Rapid multiplication of Fire Flamed Bush (Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz) through in vitro techniques. Current Biotica 2 (4), 453-460 |
Research Paper |
9. |
D Bastian, G Gayathri, VF Palathingal, K Arya . 2010. Combining Ability for Yield and BPH Resistance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). THE ANDHRA AGRICULTURAL UNION 57 (2), 140 |
Research Paper |
10. |
P Saini, RM Francies, J Joseph, D Bastian, V Vigneshwaran. 2013. Genetic assessment of core set developed from short duration rice accessions held by Kerala Agricultural University. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 51 (1), 126-131 |
Research Paper |
11. |
C Aswathi, VS Devadas, RM Francies, D Bastian. 2015. Genetic divergence in cowpea (Vigna spp.) varieties for seed quality. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 53 (2), 197-199 |
Research Paper |
12. |
HE Magaia, J Joseph, CR Elsy, RM Francis, D Bastian, R Sujatha. 2015 Creation of variability by in vitro mutagenesis in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz). Journal of Tropical Agriculture 53 (2), 123-130 |
Research Paper |
13. |
G Gayathri and D Bastian. 2016. Variability studies in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Current Biotica 2 (4), 453-460 |
Research Paper |
14. |
Antony, R., Joseph, J., Bastian, D. and Menon, M.V., 2018. In vitro mutagenesis creates distinct morphological variants in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.): a characterisation study. Electr. J. Plant Breed. [e-journal] 9(2):422-449. Available :https://ejplantbreeding.org/Index.php/EJPB/article/view/2133.ISSN0975-928X 433, DOI: 10.5958/0975-928X.2018.00054.6 [31 May 2018].NAAS-5.14 |
Research Paper |
15. |
Athmaja, S., Francies, R.M., Bastian, D., George, S.T. and Cherian, K.A., 2018. Impact of pre-storage seed invigoration in ash gourd [Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.]. Veg. Sci. 45(2): 297-299. NAAS-4.93
Research Paper |
16. |
Silpa, R., George, S.T., Anitha, P., Pradeepkumar, T., Vs, S., Bastian, D. and Pathrose, B., 2019. Genetic divergence analysis in oriental pickling melon (Cucumis melo var.conomon Mak.). Res. J. Agric. Sci. 11: 115-119. NAAS-4.51
Research Paper |
17. |
Gopan, A., Francies, R.M. and Bastian, D., 2020. Variability in morphology and yield attributes of pumpkin varieties grown in South India. Veg. Sci.47(1), pp.138-141. NAAS-4.93
Research Paper |
18. |
Milu, H.,Bastian, D., Francies, R.M., Cherian, K. A.,Prameela, P. and Mathew, R.M., 2020. Halogenation for improvement of seed yield and quality in chilli (Capsicum annum L.). J. Phytol.13: 33-35. NAAS-4.13
Research Paper |
19. |
Mathew, R.M .,Raja, K., Bastian, D., Francies, R.M., Cherian, K. A.,Prameela, P. and. Herbert, M.,,2021. Effect of seed invigoration with inorganic nanoparticles on seed yield in chilli (Capsicum annum L.). J. Phytol. 13: 13-15. NAAS-4.13 |
Research Paper |
20. |
Ruth, O.S.,Bastian, D., Francies, R.M.,Rashmi, C.R., Biju, S. and Vaisakh, K., 2021. Impact of biopriming on seed quality and longevity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.).The Andhra Agric. J.68 (3): 332-338. NAAS-3.61
Research Paper |
21. |
Vaisakh, K., Bastian, D., Francies, R.M., Beena, C., Menon, S.S. and Oliviya, S.R., 2021.Impact of Potassium and ABA Application on Vivipary and Seed Quality in Oriental Pickling Melon (Cucumis melo var. conomon Mak.).The Andhra Agric. J. 69(1): 36-40. NAAS-3.61
Research Paper |
22. |
M Herbert, D Bastian, RM Francies, KA Cherian, P Prameela, RM Mathew. 2021 Halogenation for improvement of seed yield and quality in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)Journal of Phytology 13, 33-35 |
Research Paper |
23. |
S Jyothilekshmi, D Bastian, RM Francies, SL Lekshmi . 2022. Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Estimates of Rice Varieties After Mutagenesis. Journal of Krishi Vigyan 11 (1), 386-393 |
Research Paper |
24. |
S Jyothilekshmi, D Bastian. 2022. Biochemical characterization of rice varieties after mutagenesis for lodging resistance |
Research Paper |
25. |
Krishna, S.S., Vijayan, R., Bastine, D., Palathingal, V.F. and Moosa P.P. 2023. Efficacy of botanicals on seed quality enhancement in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] on yield and yield attributes. Int. J. Plant Soil Sci. 35(23): 41-49.
Research Paper |
26. |
K Harshaprada, RM Francies, D Bastian, B Pathrose, A Thomas. 2023. Seed water status and insect infestation during storage in rice. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 61 (1), 8-13 |
Research Paper |
27. |
Adheena P., Namboodiri, R.V., Bastian, D., Anitha P. and Rashmi C.R. 2024. Optimizing pre-sowing treatments for the enhanced growth, fruit yield and seed quality in Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench. Int. J. Plant Soil Sci. 36(2): 53-62.
Research Paper |
Participation in Symposia/ Workshops/Webinar
Sl. No. |
Symposia/Workshop attended |
Location |
Date |
1. |
KAU GOLDEN JUBILEE LECTURE SERIES ( 1 ) ‘Seed Sustainability’ Caring, sharing and conserving seeds for a food-secure future” |
Online lecture series organized by Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara |
July 2021 - Dec 2021 Total :12 sessions |
2. |
“Seed production technologies for field crops with good management practices" |
New India Publishing agency |
30 Aug 2022 |
KAU Main Websites