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KAU - Academic – Academic Regulations – Granting of grace marks for excellence in sports, games, NCC activities, university arts events to the students-- awarding 1% grace marks to the students of KCAE&T,Tavanur in their respective semesters -- sanctioned

Tue, 27/11/2018 - 10:42am -- Controller of E...

KAU - Academic – Academic Regulations – Granting of grace marks for excellence
in sports, games, NCC activities, university arts events to the students – awarding 1%
grace marks to Ignatious A Mendez ( 2014-02-025 ), Amit Kumar ( 2015-02-005),
Akhil Satheeshan ( 2016-02-002), Fathima Farsana ( 2016-02-017) , Varun
Raveendranathan ( 2016-02-044) & Gokul Prakash K ( 2017-02-025) of B .Tech
( Ag.Engg) , KCAE&T,Tavanur in their respective semesters in which the students
secured their achievements – Sanctioned – Notification issued-reg

B.Tech. Agricultural Engineering
Type of Notification: 


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300