Mr. Saeed T

Assistant Professor
Attached Department:
Department of Agricultural Microbiology
College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
Mobile Phone No:
Email ID:
Address (Residence):
Land Phone No (Residence):
- 9 years of experience in research, teaching and extension ( Department of Agriculture, Kerala and Kerala Agricultural University)
- Handled training to tribal and SC farmers at different locations in Wayanad to make awareness about the use of biofertilizers as part of AINP on Soil Biodiversity- Biofertilizers project
- Handled classes on waste management and Thumboormuzhi model of composting to public in the state and also handled classes to farmers, entrepreneurs and agricultural officers about the ‘mass production of biofertilizers’.
- Resource person for training to fertilizer dealers in Kerala state as part of INM training (15 batches) organized by CTI, Mannuthy, KAU
- Engaged in the mass production and distribution of bioinoculants to the farmers (Pseudomonas fluorescens, Trichoderma viride and biofertilizers- Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobacter, and composting inoculum for waste management.)
- Area of research: Evaluation of novel nitrogen fixers in spices, isolation of novel nitrogen fixing bacteria from Wayanad soils
- Co- Principal investigator in the ‘Network project on Nano technology’
- Member in advisory committee for 3 M.Sc. students
- Course offered:
- Agricultural Microbiology(UG)
- Principles of Microbiology, Microbial physiology and Metabolism, Microbial biotechnology, Environmental microbiology(PG)
- Publication
- Research article-4
- Review articles- 2
- Popular articles-6
- Conference/ presentation: 4
- Association membership: Association for conservation of microbes and applications(ACMA), Asian PGPR society of sustainable agriculture
- Completed 2 MOOC and attended 3 training (National)
KAU Main Websites
College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300