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Dr. Sreelatha U

Professor & Head
Attached Department: 

Department of Floriculture and Landscaping

College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
Mobile Phone No: 
Address (Residence): 

23 years of experience in teaching, research and extension activities in the field of Floriculture and Landscaping and nine  years as Agricultural Officer with State Department of Agriculture.

Area of research: Landscaping, Floriculture, biotechnology, Biodiversity conservation, protected cultivation, Precision farming

Courses offered : Advances in landscape architecture (Ph.D), Breeding of Flower crops and Ornamental plants, Production technology of cut flowers, Production technology of loose  flowers, Landscaping and ornamental gardening, Protected floriculture, Value addition of flowers, Turf and turf management and Advances in Breeding of Flower Crops (PG)

Completed 7 research projects as Principal Investigator and 8 as Co-Principal Investigator.

Guided 3 M.Sc. (KAU) students as Major Advisor

Published about 38 research papers, 5 book chapters

Technical advisor for the landscaping of Zoological Park, Puthur,   CIAL Kochi, COVAS, Mannuthy

Project Co-Ordinator (PC) group Floriculture

Editorial Board Member of the Kalpadhenu published by Kerala Agricultural University.

Conducted many vocational trainings   on landscaping & ornamental gardening, floriculture, nursery management 

Acted as a resource person for various other training programme on floriculture & landscaping, nursery management.

Acted as member for various award screening committee 

Initiated Rain shelter   technology for off season production of vegetables.

Co- member for the development of semi indeterminate tomato ‘Akshaya’ for rain shelter cultivation.

Co-member for adhoc- PoP for cabbage and cauliflower

Certificate of appreciation was awarded by KAU (2008)   for acquiring   EAPs

Life member - Horticultural Society of India

Life member – Society for Ornamental Horticulture

Life member – Thrissur Agri- Horti Society


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300