Dr. Krishna Kumar G

Department of Plant Physiology
Dr. Krishna Kumar G has obtained his B.Sc. in Agriculture from KAU-College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara (2004-08). For Masters, he specialized in Plant Physiology from the most coveted ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI; 2009-11). He continued the specialization in Plant Physiology for Doctorate from IARI (2011-18). He received ICAR-JRF Fellowship for his M.Sc. and UGC-CSIR fellowship for his Ph.D. programme. During specialization, he got well versed with major cereal crops wheat and rice, and responses to abiotic stresses in plants. He obtained advanced skills in root phenotyping, bioinformatics, gene cloning, genome editing and generation of transgenics.
Professional experience
Worked as Senior Research Fellow in an ICAR-NASF project on genome editing in rice (2018-19).
Worked as Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Physiology, School of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, NMIMS, Shirpur, Maharashtra (2019-21).
Currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Physiology, KAU-College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara.
Research papers
Vishwakarma, C, Karwa, S, Kapoor, RT, Mathur, K, Krishna, GK, Pandey, R, Ellur, RK, Subbaiyan, G, Vinod, KK and Chinnusamy, V, 2024. Exploring component traits of biomass and yield in Indian rice mini-core germplasm. Plant Physiology Reports, pp.1-13.
Nivetha, N, Asha, AD, Krishna, GK, Chinnusamy, V and Paul, S, 2024. Rhizobacteria Bacillus spp. mitigate osmotic stress and improve seed germination in mustard by regulating osmolyte and plant hormone signaling. Physiologia Plantarum, 176(1), p.e14202.
Vishwakarma, C, Krishna, GK, Kapoor, RT, Mathur, K, Dalal, M, Singh, NK, Mohapatra, T and Chinnusamy, V, 2023. Physiological Analysis of Source–Sink Relationship in Rice Genotypes with Contrasting Grain Yields. Plants, 13(1), p.62.
Karwa, S, Taunk, J, Maurya, S, Das, A, Krishna, GK, Arya, SS, Kumar, A, Kumar, S, Kumar, P, Chinnusamy, V and Pal, M, 2022. Spermidine exogenous application mollifies reproductive stage heat stress ramifications in rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, p.1027662.
Manjunatha, BS, Nivetha, N, Krishna, GK, Elangovan, A, Pushkar, S, Chandrashekar, N, Aggarwal, C, Asha, AD, Chinnusamy, V, Raipuria, RK, Watts, A and Paul, S, 2022. Plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria Shewanella putrefaciens and Cronobacter dublinensis enhance drought tolerance of pearl millet by modulating hormones and stress‐responsive genes. Physiologia Plantarum, 174(2), p.e13676.
Asha, AD, Nivetha, N, Krishna, GK, Thakur, JK, Rathi, MS, Manjunatha, BS, Chinnusamy, V and Paul, S, 2021. Amelioration of short‐term drought stress during different growth stages in Brassica juncea by rhizobacteria mediated maintenance of ROS homeostasis. Physiologia Plantarum.
Asha, AD, Nivetha, N, Krishna, GK, Lavanya, AK, Vikram, KV and Paul, S, 2021. Interactive effect of rhizobacteria and drought stress on physiological attributes of mustard. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5).
Anooj, SS, Kalia, V, Krishna, GK and Ghopade, KD, 2020. New biogeographic distribution record of phytophagous syrphid, Eumerus vestitus Bezzi, its biosystematics, host preferences and association behavior. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 40(3), pp.527-538.
Elangovan, A, Dalal, M, Krishna, GK, Devika, S, Kumar, RR, Sathee, L and Chinnusamy, V, 2020. Characterization of atypical protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) genes and their role in abiotic stress response in rice. Plants, 9(5), p.664.
Thomas, S, Krishna, GK, Yadav, P and Pal, M, 2019. Cloning and abiotic stress responsive expression analysis of arginine decarboxylase genes in contrasting rice genotypes. Indian J. Genet, 79(2), pp.411-419.
Anooj, SS, Kalia, V, Ganiger, PC and Krishna, GK, 2019. A note on Atherigona orientalis Schiner infesting tomato in India. Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(4), pp.900-903.
Krishna, GK, Vishwakarma, C, Thomas, P, Aravind, J, Kushwaha, S and Chinnusamy, V, 2018. Association between ABA-and drought-mediated regulation of root traits and identification of potential SNPs in genes for root development in rice. Indian J. Genet, 78(1), pp.48-58.
Vineeth, TV, Kumar, P and Krishna, GK, 2016. Bioregulators protected photosynthetic machinery by inducing expression of photorespiratory genes under water stress in chickpea. Photosynthetica, 54(2), pp.234-242.
Kumari, A, Sairam, RK, Singh, SK and Krishna, GK, 2014. Early growth response: an indicator of subsequent growth and yield of wheat genotypes grown under simulated water stress condition. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 19(2), pp.94-100.
Danekar, P, Tyagi, A, Mahto, A, Krishna, KG, Singh, A, Raje, RS, Gaikwad, K and Singh, NK, 2014. Genome wide characterization of Hsp 100 family genes from pigeonpea. Indian J Genet Plant Breed, 74, pp.325-334.
Vineeth, TV, Krishna, GK, Pandesha, PH, Sathee, L, Thomas, S, James, D, Ravikiran, KT, Taria, S, John, C, Vinaykumar, NM and Lokeshkumar, BM, 2023. Photosynthetic machinery under salinity stress: Trepidations and adaptive mechanisms. Photosynthetica, 61(1), pp.73-93.
Vishwakarma, C, Krishna, GK, Kapoor, RT, Mathur, K, Lal, SK, Saini, RP, Yadava, P and Chinnusamy, V, 2023. Bioengineering of canopy photosynthesis in rice for securing global food security: A critical review. Agronomy, 13(2), p.489.
Radha, B, Sunitha, NC, Sah, RP, Muhammad, TP, Krishna, GK, Umesh, DK, Thomas, S, Anilkumar, C, Upadhyay, S, Kumar, A, Manikanta CLN, Behera S, Marndi, BC and Siddique, KHM, 2023. Physiological and molecular implications of multiple abiotic stresses on yield and quality of rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, p.996514.
Kumari, A, Lakshmi, GA, Krishna, GK, Patni, B, Prakash, S, Bhattacharyya, M, Singh, SK and Verma, KK, 2022. Climate change and its impact on crops: A comprehensive investigation for sustainable agriculture. Agronomy, 12(12), p.3008.
Sathee, L, Jagadhesan, B, Pandesha, PH, Barman, D, Adavi B, S, Nagar, S, Krishna, GK, Tripathi, S, Jha, SK and Chinnusamy, V, 2022. Genome editing targets for improving nutrient use efficiency and nutrient stress adaptation. Frontiers in Genetics, 13, p.900897.
Sathee, L, Krishna, GK, Adavi, SB, Jha, SK and Jain, V, 2021. Role of protein phosphatases in the regulation of nitrogen nutrition in plants. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, pp.1-12.
Allimuthu, E, Krishna, GK and Devika S. Plant Biotechnology For ICAR-JRF, SRF, ARS/NET & IARI-Ph.D. Exams. ISBN no. 978-81-933179-3-8.
Book chapters
Kumari, A, Singh, SK, Mikhina, MS, Patni, B and Krishna, GK, 2023. Melatonin as a key regulator of plant growth and development. In Advancement of Melatonin Research in Plants (pp. 24-39). CRC Press.
Krishna, GK, Nagar, S, Rathod, GR, Chandrapal, V, Asha, AD, John, C, Shrivastava, S and Chinnusamy, V, 2020, Heavy Metal Toxicity in Plants and Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soils. Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance. Physiochemical and Molecular Avenues, pp. 93-113. Deepika Book Agency, New Delhi.
Lekshmy, S, Krishna, GK, Jha, SK and Sairam, RK, 2017, Mechanism of Auxin Mediated Stress Signaling in Plants. Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling under Stress, pp. 37-52. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Krishna, GK, Rathod, G, Nagar, S, Vishwakarma, C and Chinnusamy, V, 2018. Functional Modules in the Regulation of Root System Architecture. Proceedings of PSMB, 15, pp.111-121.
Popular Articles
Didal, VK, Krishna, GK, Nithin, KN, Patil, R and Rao, RGS, 2021. Transforming Agriculture Students to lead Indian Farming sector. Indian Farming, 71(6).
Aravind, J and Krishna, GK, 2023. Computation of melting temperature of nucleic acid duplexes with rmelting.
NESA Young Scientist of the year Award–2020, Awarded by National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi.
Ph.D. work received Best Poster Award at PSMB conference, Gwalior (2018), Conducted by NESA, New Delhi.
Membership in Scientific Bodies
Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata-700017
Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi-110012
Indian Society for Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi-110012
REST Society for Research International, Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu-635001
Links to Academic Profiles
LinkedIn profile linkedin.com/in/krishna-gk-462136198
ORCiD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8851-0042
Google scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=I8nWG1sAAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchGate profile https://www.researchgate.net/profile/G-K-Krishna
KAU Main Websites