Dr. M. Sangeeta Kutty.

Department of Vegetable Science
Dr. M. Sangeeta Kutty is an Assistant Professor in the department of Vegetable Science, Kerala Agricultural University. She obtained her Masters in Agriculture from the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad and was awarded the University Gold Medal for having secured highest Grade Point Average and Indo American Hybrid Seeds and Indo-American Exports Gold Medal for securing first rank in MSc. She is a CSIR- Junior and Senior Research fellowship awardee during her Ph. D. in horticulture program (2002-2006) at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. She served as Agricultural officer in the state Department of Agriculture Development and Farmers' Welfare, Kerala from June 2006. In 2014 she joined the College of Food and Agriculture of the United Arab Emirates University, UAE for pursuing Postdoctoral program. Her research during doctoral and post-doc programs were focused on molecular, biochemical, morphological, and physiological aspects of drought and salinity stress tolerance and beneficial fungi –AMF and Piriformospora indica. In 2019 she completed her two post-doctoral programs and joined the Department of Vegetable Science, Kerala Agricultural University in March2019.
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