Dr. Saji Gomez

Associate Professor&Head
Attached Department:
Department of Post Harvest Technology
College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
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Educational qualifications:
- Ph.D Horticulture (Post Harvest Technology), 1A R1, New Delhi
- M.Sc Horticulture (Post Harvest Technology), I AR I, New Delhi
- B.Sc Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University
Specialisation: Post harvest technology of horticultural crops
1. Scientist ‘C’ in Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)-Defence Institute for High Altitude Research (DIHAR), June 2004 to October,2005
2. Professor, Kerala Agricultural University, from October 2005 till date
Office address:
Department of Post harvest Technology
College of Agriculture (KAU),
- Principal Investigator of the Food Quality Control Lab for ‘nutrition labelling’, under the University
- Quality assurance in value added products from FSSAI licensed fruit and vegetable processing unit, under the Department
- Guidance to research scholars (M.Sc. & Ph.D.)
Completed research projects:
- Centre of Excellence in Post harvest Technology & Allied Schemes- Food Quality Control Laboratory
- Post harvest characterization and management of elite jackfruit types of Kerala
Ongoing projects
- Development and validation of post harvest handling technologies for major fruit crops of Kerala
- Development of value chain in banana and pineapple for post harvest loss reduction and enhancing farmers’ income
- Establishment of winery at KAU for post harvest loss reduction in tropical fruits
- Development of nutraceuticals beverages from tropical fruits and vegetables
Research publications during last five years:
- Saji Gomez, Meagle Joseph, K.B.Sheela, C.V. Sruthi and Linju Lal. 2015. Variability in fruiting seasons and quality attributes of jackfruit accessions of Kerala. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. Vol.33.No.2, April-June
- Charan S. M, Saji Gomez, K.B.Sheela, P.B.Pushpalatha and K.T. Suman. 2017. Effect of storage conditions and duration on quality of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis .Sims.) nectar. 2017. Asian Journal of Dairy & Food Research. 36 (2) 161 -165
- Anupama T.V, Sheela K.B and Saji Gomez. 2017. Phytochemical screening and proximate composition of lichen Parmotrema tinctorum from Wayanad, Kerala. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 5 (5): 1003-1007
- Charan S.M, Saji Gomez, K.B.Sheela, Meagle Joseph and C.V.Sruthi. 2018. Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity or passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.) accessions. Indian Journal of Horticulture.75(2): 185- 190
- Charan S.M, Saji Gomez, K.B.Sheela, P.B.Pushpalatha, G. Darshan and K.V.Kavana. 2019. Effect of shrink -wrap packaging on shelf life of passion fruit. Green Farming . 10 (3): 288-292
- Sarthak Kiribhaga, Saji Gomez, Meagle Joseph, Surendra Gopal and Seeja Thomachan Panjikkaran. 2020. Biochemical changes in banana wine during storage. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 8 (1): 119-124
- Saji Gomez, Sharon Jacob, Meagle Joseph, Karishma Sebastian. Evaluation of surface coating and shrink- wrap packaging on shelf life and quality of mango cultivar ‘Neelum’. 2021. Plant Science Today. 8 (3):
- Meera PM, Sharon CL, Seeja Thomachan, Aneena ER, Lekshmy PS and Saji Gomez.Process Optimisation and Quality Evaluation of Passion Fruit and Pineapple based Probiotic Drink. 2021. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research
- Geethu M, Saji Gomez and Ajith Kumar, K. Physico-chemical, Sensorial and Microbiological Quality of Frozen Avocado. 2022. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research
- Janmitha Shetty, Meagle Joseph, Saji Gomez, Parvathi Sreekumar and Netravati. Harvest maturity for fruit quality in mango (Mangifera indica L.) CV. Ratna and Mallika.2022.Pharmacuetical Analytica acta
- Saji Gomez, Bintu Kuruvila, Maneesha PK and Meagle Joseph.Variation in physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbial qualities of intermediate moisture pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) slices during storage. 2022. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition
- Thatayaone Malikongwa, Saji Gomez, Meagle Joseph, Netravati and Bintu Kuruvila. Morphological and horticultural characteristics of some commercial banana (Musa spp.) cultivars of Kerala. 2022. Plant Science Today.
- Thatayaone Malikongwa, Saji Gomez, Meagle Joseph, Netravati and Bintu Kuruvila. Biochemical and nutritional characteristics of some commercial banana cultivars of Kerala. 2022. Plant Science Today
- Saji Gomez, Bintu Kuruvila, Meagle Joseph and Karishma Sebastian. 2022. Physico-chemical and organoleptic properties of intermediate moisture slices from pineapple. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research
- Saji Gomez, Bintu Kuruvila, Maneesha Pk and Meagle Joseph. Indian blackberry nectar processed without chemical preservatives- changes in physico-chemical properties and bioactive compounds. 2022. SIFT DESK, Journal of Food Science and Technology.
- Sarthak Kiribhaga, Saji Gomez and Meagle Joseph: Qualitative changes and flavour profile of banana wine during ageing. 2022. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research.
- Netravati Noola, Saji Gomez, Berin Pathrose, Meagle Joseph, Suma A, Shynu M. Comparison of Anthocyanin Pigment Extraction Techniques to Evaluate the Free Radical Scavenging Capacity of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) Flower. 2022. Biological Forum-An International Journal.14(3): 995-998.
- Netravati Noola, Saji Gomez, Berin Pathrose, Meagle Joseph, Suma A, Shynu M. Comparative evaluation of anthocyanin pigment yield and its attributes from Butterfly pea (Clitorea ternatea L.) flowers as prospective food colorant using different extraction methods. Future Foods. 6 (2022) 100199.
- Saji Gomez, C. Anjali, Bintu Kuruvila, P.K. Maneesha and Meagle Joseph. Phytochemical constitution and antioxidant activity of functional herbal drink from Indian gooseberry fruits containing spices and condiments. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2023): 5:12, 1-13.
- Netravati Noola, Saji Gomez, Berin Pathrose, Meagle Joseph, Shynu M. Comparison of extraction methods on anthocyanin pigment attributes from Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruit rind as potential food colourant. Food Chemistry Advances (2023): 4 (1): 100559.
- Geethu M and Saji Gomez. Biochemical and morphological characteristics of avocado genotypes in Kerala. Journal of Applied Horticulture (2024): 24 (03), 369-374.
KAU Main Websites
College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300