Dr. Sureshkumar P. K.

Attached Department:
Department of Agricultural Engineering
College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
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Former Research Engineer, KAU-KLDA project on Introducing mechanization package for Harvesting & Threshing of Paddy in Kole lands of Kerala. Also work as Assistant Engineer (Agri.) State Department of Agriculture, Kerala. Twenty two years of research and teaching experience in the field of Farm Power Machinery & Energy
- Publications based on research: 11 (Books- 03;Journal articles-01; Seminars/ symposium papers -06; Popular articles -1)
- Visalakshi, . K.P. Nimmi Kuruppath, C.V. Anish and. Sureshkumar P.K.2016. e-DID: an electronic device for Drip Irrigation Design - Short Communication , J. Tropical Agric., Kerala Agriculture University, 54 (2) : 175-182,
- Nimmi Kuruppath, K.P Visalakshi, Anish C.V and P.K Suresh kumar. 2017. e-DID Software- an easy way for drip irrigation design. Proceedings of National Congress on New Challenges and Advances in Sustainable Micro Irrigation NCMI – 2017, held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University during 01.03.2017 to 03.03.2017. page 282.
- K.P.Visalakshi, Greeshma.K., Nimmi Kuruppath, and P.K.Sureshkumar 2017. Jalasuraksha–mazhavella sambharanathiloode – (malalyalam) Technical buttetin No 5, Kerala Agriculture University. Pp: 12
- K.P.Visalakshi, Nimmi Kuruppath, P.K.Sureshkumar, Anish.C.V. and Anjana.K. Kanika jalasehana roopakalpana viral thumpathu” Kalpadhenu 2016 April-June, 36(7) Page 41-43
- K.P.Visalakshi, Greeshma.K., Nimmi Kuruppath, and P.K.Sureshkumar 2017. “Mannilooratte, jeevante neerottam” –cover story-Kerala Karshakan, March, 2017. Pages 10-13.
- K.P.Visalakshi, P.K.Sureshkumar, Greeshma.K.and Nimmi Kuruppath, 2017.”Innathe mazhavellam naalathe kudivellam” Krishijaagaran, March, 2017. Pages 220-25
- K.P.Visalakshi, Greeshma.K., Nimmi Kuruppath, and P.K.Sureshkumar 2017.”Karuthi vekkaam mazhavellam” Manorama online – Karshakasree http://www.manoramaonline.com/karshakasree/crop-info/rain-harvesting.html
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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
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:+91-487 2438300