Dr.Vidhu Francis Palathingal

Department of Seed Science and Technology
Research experience:
A) PI of sponsored Research Projects :
a. PI - All India Coordinated Research Project on National Seed Production, RARS Pattambi (2019-2021)
b. PI - Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Seed Project, RARS Pattambi (2019-2021)
c. PI- All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Programme (ICAR), RARS Pattambi (2019-2023)
d. Scientist i/c of Notified State Seed Testing Laboratory, RARS Pattambi (2019-2023)
e. PI- Biodiversity and local Germplasm Conservation and Promotion (Kerala State project), RARS Pattambi (2019-2023)
B) Major Advisor of PG student
a. Thesis project of Ms.Monicasri A., M.Sc Student (Seed Science and Technology) on ‘Midstorage seed invigoration to enhance seed viability and longevity in Rice (Oryzasativa L.)’
C) Contribution in technology development
a. Contribution in the development of technology on ‘Hybrid purity testing by molecular markers’ developed under seed technology research of AICRP on Seed (Crops), ICAR-Indian Institute of Seed Science
:List of Publications :
Sl. No. |
Title of the paper/publication |
Type (Research Paper /Book/Manual/Book Chapter / Conference Proceedings)
1. |
Vidhu Francis, Radhakrishnan V.V. and Beena C.2019. Evaluation of therapeutical components in Asoka (Saracaasoca) germplasm. Souvenir and Abstracts of National Conference of Plant Physiology- 2019, 19-21 December 2019. P.137
Abstract/ proceedings |
2. |
Vidhu Francis, Biji K.R., Faseela K.V., Jyothi M.L. and Nikhil P.G. Pattambi nellinangal. 2019-20, RARS Pattambi |
Book |
3. |
Abida P.S., Moosa P.P., Vidhu Francis, Biji K.R., JyothiM.L.and Nikhil P.G. Nadan nellinangal krishi cheyunna karshakarude directory. 2019-20, RARS Pattambi
Bookl |
4. |
Biji K.R., Vidhu Francis, Faseela K.V., Abida P.S. and Jyothi M.L. Savishesha nadan nellinangal. 2019-20, RARS Pattambi
Book |
5. |
P. Vidhu Francis,V.V.Radhakrishnanand R.Sujatha.2021. Molecular characterization of Asoka germplasm. Abstracts of International Conference on Future challenges and prospects in plant breeding, October 2021. P.190
Abstract/ proceedings |
6. |
Vanaja T., Ambily A. K., VeenaVighneswaran, Biji K.R.,Vidhu Francis, Lovely B., Hani Babu and SruthyMenon V. Rice varieties released in kerala. 2022.
Book |
7. |
Aparna V.S., Raji P., Sumiya K.V. and Vidhu Francis Palathingal.2023. Phenotypic and genotypic assessment of rice germplasm for bacterial blight resistance. Research journal of agricultural sciences, 14(1): 01-07.
Research Paper |
8. |
Sathya Sai Krishna, Roshni Vijayan, DijeeBastine, Vidhu Francis Palathingal and Moosa P.P., 2023. Efficacy of botanicals on seed quality enhancement in cowpea [Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp.] on yield and yield attributes. Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., 35(23): 41-49.
Research Paper |
Courses/Trainings attended:
Sl. No. |
Title of the course Institution/Agency offering the course |
Year |
1. |
Foundation course on research, education and extension management- CTI, Mannuthy, KAU |
2020 |
2. |
UGC sponsored Faculty Induction programme (online)- UGC-HRDC, Kannur University, Kannur, Kerala |
2021 |
3. |
National Conference of Plant Physiology , KAU, Thrissur |
2019 |
4. |
International Conference on Future challenges and prospects in plant breeding, TNAU, Coimbatore |
2021 |
5. |
International workshop for seed quality improvement, TNAU, Coimbatore |
2023 |
Extension activities:
1.Radio talk on Paddy varieties suitable for First crop season
2.Resource person for training session for ATMA staff (Agriculture department)
3.Resource person for DAESI programme
4. Resource person for farmer training programme
5. Nodal officer of block level Agriculture knowledge centre, Alathur
Teaching experience:
1.As student advisor
2.Handled sessions for RAWE programme
3. Courses handled:
A.M.Sc (Plant Breeding and Genetics) courses
B.M.Sc (Seed Science and Technology) courses
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