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Anu Mary Markose

Assistant Professor
Attached Department: 

Department of Post Harvest Technology

College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
Mobile Phone No: 
Address (Residence): 

Smt. Anu Mary Markose graduated in Agriculture from Kerala Agricultural University, College of Agriculture, Vellayani and post-graduation in Horticulture from College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara. She has six years of experience in research, teaching and extension during her tenure in different institutes like Kerala Agricultural University and Department of Agricultural Development and Farmers’ Welfare. She is handling courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students in post-harvest management and value addition of horticultural crops.

Courses offered

  1. Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Horticultural Crops (UG)
  2. Post-harvest physiology and biochemistry of perishables (PG)
  3. Packaging and storage of processed horticultural produce (PG)
  4. Principles and methods of fruit and vegetable preservation (PG)
  5. Value addition and processing of plantation crops and spices (PG)
  6. Value addition of medicinal and aromatic plants (PG)

Publications (research papers and conference proceedings)

  1. Anu Mary Markose, P.B. Pushpalatha, T.Sarah George and S. Krishnan. 2010. Value added products from watery rose apple (Syzygium aqueum (Burm.) Alston) and Malay apple (Syzygium malaccense (L.) Mernil and Perry). In: Proceedings 22nd Kerala Science Congress, 28-31 January 2010, KFRI, Peechi, pp. 69-70
  1. Anu Mary Markose, Pushpalatha. P.B, Sheela. K.B, Jacob John. P, and Sarah.T, George. 2010. Standardisation of technology for production of quality beverages from watery rose apple (Syzygium aqueum (Burm.) Alston) and Malay apple (Syzygium malaccense (L.) Mernil and Perry). In Book of Abstracts, 1st KERALA WOMENS SCIENCE CONGRESS 10-12 August 2010 St. Teresas college Ernakulam
  1. Pushpalatha. P.B, Anu Mary Markose, Sheela. K.B. 2011. In Boof of Abstracts, National Symposium on Waste Managenent: Experiences and Strategies 5-7 January 2011, Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, pp 90
  1. P.B. Pushpalatha, Anu Mary Markose, K.B. Sheela and Meagle Joseph. 2013. Standardization of technology for production of fruit juice concentrate. In souvenir, National Seminar on new vistas in fo0d processing with quality assurance for augmenting rural prosperity, 21-22 June, 2013, Department of Processing and Food Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur, pp. 46
  1. Anu Mary Markose and Pushpaltha P.B 2022. Evaluation of Malay apple (Syzigium malaccense(L.) Mernil and perryl) for processing attributes and value addition. In abstracts ,National Symposium on Horticultural Crops of Humid Tropics for Nutritional and Livelihood Security (NSHCHT)2022;2-3 December 2022 ,Madikeri:CHES Chettalli and Society for promotion of Horticulture Banglore,P-253,Abstract No.4:6
  1. Saji Gomez, Anjali C, Bintu Kuruvila, Maneesha P.K ,  Meagle Joseph, Anu Mary Markose, Achuthan C. Raghavamenon, Manu K. Aryan. 2023. Phytochemical constitution and antioxidant activity of nutraceuticals herbal drink from Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn) fruits (Aonla) containing spices and condiments. In Abstracts: 35th Kerala Science Congress; 10-14 February 2023, p-29, Abstract No.01-15.
  1.  Anjali C, Pushpalatha P. B., Manju P. R.,  Saji Gomez, Anu Mary Markose. 2023. Male buds of ‘Kunnan’ banana- a potential source of dietary fiber in cookies. In Abstracts: 35th Kerala Science Congress; 10-14 February 2023, p-47, Abstract No. 01-40.
  1. Anjaly, C., Pushpalatha, P.B., Manju, P.R., Gomez, S., and Markose, A.M. 2023. Male buds of banana- a prospective source of dietary fibre [abstract]. In: Book of Abstracts, International Seminar on Exotic and Underutilized Horticultural Crops; 17-19, October, 2023, Bengaluru. Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, p.368 .Abstract No. PHMN/PP-50.
  1. Gomez, S., Jacob, S., Markose, A.M., and Ananya, P.S.2023.Processing techniques determine bioactive constituents and antioxidant activity of functional beverage from moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) [abstract]. In: Book of Abstracts, International Seminar on Exotic and Underutilized Horticultural Crops; 17-19, October, 2023, Bengaluru. Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, p.306 .Abstract No. PHMN/OP-28.
  1. Markose, A.M., Gomez, S., Sadi, R., Anupama, T.V., and Xavier, F. 2023. Estimation, quality evaluation and utilization of dietary fibre from cow pea and okra pods [abstract]. In: Book of Abstracts, International Seminar on Exotic and Underutilized Horticultural Crops; 17-19, October, 2023, Bengaluru. Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, p.386 .Abstract No. PHMN/PP-68.
  1.  Markose, A., Pushpalatha, P.B., Jaseena, P. and Gomez, S.2024. Physico-chemical attributes of watery rose apple (Syzygium aqueum (Burm.) Alston) and Malay apple (Syzygium malaccense (L.) Mernil and Perry).Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 8(1): 398-401
  1. P Jaseena, J Allen, Anu Mary Markose and K Musthafa. 2024. Assessment of cultivars of China aster (Callistephus chinensis L.) Nees) in Kerala's Northern laterite region. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 8(1): 443-446

National level advanced training programmes undergone - 2

Specialized short term trainings/ workshops attended – 2

Life member of Society for promotion of Horticulture, IIHR, Bangalore

Resource person for various trainings to extension officials and farmer



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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656
:+91-487 2438300